whentopurchase.com: Simplifying Home Buying

Your guide to making informed decisions in the home buying process.

Check affordability

Use our Purchase Calculator to determine your budget and understand how much you can afford

Get financial advice

Leverage the Purchase Calculator to calculate financial returns and connect with trusted financial advisors

Begin property search

Search for listings on platforms like Immobilienscout24 or Immowelt after you decide on key criteria:

Find the best mortgage

Compare offers and find the best mortgage using insights from the Purchase Calculator

Review the contract

A notary will draft the purchase contract. You’ll have 14 days to review and propose changes.

Sign the contract

Agree on a meeting with notary to sign the contract. Once signed, the notary will register your ownership in the Grundbuch (land register)

Make the payments

Pay the purchase price and instruct the bank to pay once the notary gives the go ahead. Pay the related taxes and notary fees

You are a home owner!

Celebrate owning your new home by furnishing and decorating to match your style. Explore local resources and ideas for renovations and home design

Simplify Home Buying

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